Welcome to Episode 27 of our podcast, Courageous Conversations, hosted by Leanne Pilkington.
In this episode, we hear from Steve Carroll, Founder and CEO of Digital Live Consulting. He talks about moving from the UK to Australia, his career with REA Group, the biggest tech threats in real estate, how he is overcoming the roadblocks of industry collaboration and what’s to come for his 2020 Digital Live Ride.
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00:20 – About Steve’s career at realestate.com.au
01:00 – Moving from the UK to Australia with his entire family
03:00 – Steve’s views on industry collaboration and his mission to remove the ‘hatred’ towards REA Group.
05:20 – “If there’s ever a time for the industry to do one of those big rugby scrums where you all get into a circle and you grip each other and say, ‘Let’s work together,’ I reckon it’s right now.”
06:00 – Steve’s suggestions on how the industry can create a difference in collaboration and harmony between competitors.
07:30 – “Climate change impacts everyone.” We shouldn’t treat the real estate industry any differently when it comes to having conversations around collaboration.
08:50 – How clients perceive real estate agents will be a key goal in the future; be viewed as highly qualified professionals
09:45 – Tech companies that introduce buyers and sellers without the need for a real estate agent are our biggest threats to watch out for
10:45 – Bernard Salt says that 50% of the workforce will be millennials in 2020; as of right now, 25% of the workforce are baby boomers. In 2025, less than 10% will be boomers.
12:00 – A majority of consumers today will compare their experiences across various industries, not just within a single industry.
13:30 – Millennials are increasingly wanting to work within purpose-driven businesses that care for their communities; this is important where lack of trust can be common!
15:40 – About Steve’s Digital Live Ride in collaboration with Hands Across the Water; the next ride will be in Feb-Mar 2020.
17:45 – How and why Steve initiated the Digital Live Ride (from a personal experience of his that he shared with Peter Baines).
21:15 – Steve’s vision to make the Digital Live Ride an international event, but 100% owned by the Australian real estate industry.
24:00 – Discussing the threats to the real estate industry.
26:25 – Steve’s goals and plans for 2020.