Welcome to Episode 12 of our podcast, Courageous Conversations, hosted by Leanne Pilkington.
In this episode, we hear from Penelope Valentine, Director of Property Alchemy. She talks about her experience with having challenging conversations with clients, why authenticity and being proactive is key and how embracing vulnerability and hardship makes your stronger.
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00:30 – Starting her business, Property Alchemy, the conversations that occurred during this and how she overcame her self-doubt.
03:00 – Penelope’s beginnings in the real estate industry and how her psychology degree has helped her with her relationships with its people.
04:50 – About her business, Property Alchemy and how it helps investors.
05:20 – Fun fact: Penelope is responsible for connecting us with our wonderful Events Manager, Rod Fitzgerald!
05:50 – Why Penelope believes it’s vital for leaders be proactive; they should have their tough conversations happen as soon as possible, rather than later.
07:00 – “If you don’t say anything, people start having conversations with themselves around what they think is going on, and you believe the story that you tell yourself.”
07:45 – Having courageous conversations with investors, and why being authentic is the best approach to have: “The truth is always the best path for us. It’s not the easiest but you just really need to educate…”
09:00 – Balancing family life with running her business and how her authenticity carries through both work and personal life.
10:30 – Having a ‘work-life harmony’ and why exercise helps Penelope stay disciplined and energised.
11:30 – Useful Belief by Chris Helder
12:30 – Why having ‘useful belief’ is important in today’s market and having pricing conversations with your clients.
13:30 – How Penelope dealt with an unusually difficult conversation with a team member.
16:00 – “Every time you have a difficult conversation, you know that you’ve got a little more armour to do it the next time.”
17:30 – Why regularly staying out of your comfort zone strengthens and fulfils you in the long run.
19:30 – The Call to Courage by Brene Brown
21:00 – “All you need to do is finish.”